Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy:
Plasma therapy is a method used to rejuvenate the skin. Besides aesthetic medicine, plasma therapy is used in physical medicine for treating sports injuries and cartilage problems.
The method includes the use of growth factors and stem cells from the patient’s own blood plasma. By centrifuging blood taken from the patient undergoing treatment, we achieve a high concentration of platelets in a small quantity of plasma. Apart from platelets, plasma contains seven main growth factors (GF) and a large number of stem cells (CD34). We use plasma enriched with platelets with patients who want gradual but visible improvement in skin texture and tonus, with a minimum recovery time.
Growth factors stimulate proliferation of the fibroblast and keratinocyte, which are responsible for the production of collagen and keratin. They play an important role in generating new blood vessels, in syntheses of collagen and the extra-cell matrix whose main substance is hyaluronic acid.This treatment is recommended for people with loose skin with deep or shallow wrinkles. With older people, this method can postpone or completely avoid surgical face lifting.
For younger people, PRP is recommended for correcting acne scars. PRP is also successfully used as a filler together with stem cells, for rejuvenation of the face, neck decolletage, upper arm, back of the hands, area around the knee, inner thigh and belly. The skin becomes smooth, elastic and firm, and wrinkles disappear.PRP is also recommended to people suffering from hair loss. The hair growth is improved by applying plasma to the skull.
A particularly strong effect is achieved with degenerative joint illnesses of the knees, hips, feet, spine, etc. Pain is decreased and the degenerative process in the joints is arrested.
PRP is used to cure chornic wounds.
PRP is not used with patients that have active skin infections or particular skin diseases, allergies, blood illnesses, systemic, metabolic and malignant illnesses.